The event held at Rwanda Cooperation office, on June 21, 2023, commenced with MC Ivan RWEMA, a Mizero Care Organization (MoC) staff member, welcoming all the attendees and setting the stage for the proceedings and passed the floor to the Chairman of MoC to continue with the event.

The Chairman began by warmly welcoming the Burundian Delegation and acknowledging the presence of the dedicated staff members at the event. He expressed his honor and gratitude for the distinguished guests from Burundi, recognizing the importance of their visit and being interested in MoC activities.

Continuing with the event, MoC’s Chairman shared the background story of the organization, focusing on its mission to support genocide survivors, perpetrators seeking reconciliation, families of individuals convicted of genocide crimes, repatriates, youth born during and after genocide. Drawing from personal experiences and Rwandan resilience, he highlighted the importance of encouraging MoC beneficiaries to speak up with their peers and heal their wounds and build resilience. A PowerPoint presentation was highlighted to provide a comprehensive understanding of MoC’s work, clearly outlining the organization’s mission and activities.