What is MIZERO CARE Ltd?
Mizero Care Ltd is a social enterprise registered in Rwanda Development Board under the Tax Identification Number (TIN) 118741160. Mizero Care Ltd is owned by Mizero Care Organization (MoC). Its main services aim at boosting both face-to-face and digital solutions to address mental health issues, support social healing, social cohesion and community resilience towards sustainable socio-economic development.,
MIZERO CARE ORGANIZATION abbreviated as “MoC” is a Non-Governmental Organization founded in 2013 and registered in Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) under the Accreditation Number 62/RGB/NGO/2017, with Tax Identification Number (TIN) 118577595. MoC aims at fighting against the mental health-based isolation and the transgenerational trauma due to the consequences of the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. The main MoC’s interventions consist of psychotherapy services, educational opportunities, and youth empowerment.

We strive to create holistic well-being to facilitate a bright and successful next generation of citizens that become global leaders with empathy and understanding of the human condition everywhere.
Our vision is to become a leading psychotherapy hub with best face-to-face and digital solutions to address mental health issues in Rwanda and beyond.
• Production (Impact)
• Care
• Innovation
What are our services?

Face-to-face psychotherapy (future plan)
At our Mental Health Clinic namely NSANGA Clinic, we have facilities to provide quality face-to-face psychotherapy services to individuals or to the group of people at ago through group therapy and through our NSANGA Application.

Online psychotherapy
Through our VUGUKIRE Hotline, we connect our clinical psychologists with clients facing the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug addiction, and stress and provide them with mental health treatment using the Toll-Free Number 8050.

Mental health awareness
In collaboration with different partners, we organize mental health awareness campaigns to support social healing, social cohesion and community resilience. We also work with corporate organizations to address mental health issues.
Our clients
PTSD patients especially Genocide victims,
Generalized anxiety and depression patients,
Employees and beneficiaries from different companies and organizations.
Business model
Mizero Care Ltd generates its revenues from physical and online therapy services. Guided by Mizero Care Organization’s mission, our services are offered at a low cost to support mental health care access for vulnerable population and accompany them towards social healing, cohesion and resilience. We have got a number of insolvent clients and some partners cater for their payment. Given the scope of our interventions especially supporting the community with low income, our venture invests many efforts to mobilize more funds to support our operations.
Our business models consist of:
- Business to Customer: Physical and online therapy session per person
- Business to Customer: Based on monthly subscription
- Business to Business: For corporate customers
- Business to Business: Based on annual corporate membership.